How to Find the Right Business Intelligence

The main goal of TimeXtender implementation BI is is to provide business intelligence (BI) of the information about customer behaviour and industry trends of a business.

Customer databases

A database is a collection or collection of information containing information on customers like name, address, contact information, order information etc. The database of a business is highly instrumental in providing the BI solution - TimeXtender implementation. Data stored in that database helps in decision-making by providing an insight into customer purchasing behaviour.

Tailored process analysis (TPA)

A TPA is process analysis that is derived from a database or a set of data using statistics and mathematical models to predict the future demand and production of the goods based on historical data and/or modelling activity of the sector. For example, if we take the example of hotels, if a hotel is having a lower rate of customer TimeXtender implementation destruction than its competitors across the world, then it can start to formulate a theory that can give hotels a competitive advantage.

This is quite a complex story and in the latter part of this blog, I would discuss how to do TPA on your own database of your organisation (in the food service business, simply sweeping your customer database is not good enough). This is where we can use the 'Customer Is (CIC)' model to assist in finding areas of improvement among these areas of customer activity. This model has also been termed as the 'Customer Is (CIC Diesel) model'. The CIC model attempts to analyse all activities of a hotel, looking specifically at the TimeXtender implementation factors that either enable or diminish the management's ability to improve hotel operations.

To better understand the TPA model, I would like to introduce the term 'upper' as a means of breaking the analysis into a short series of representative examples.

To generate the 'upper' model of processes, we can use what we have described as using Work in Progress Ring going down through the process with a stop gap for collecting each piece of work that is being done in between. This will take the total TimeXtender implementation process width down by a factor of 2 for testing different processes.

Let's take the work examples produced by all our departments under the Food Value Stream Management (VTP) System and determine the 'upper' portion for internal consumption to determine what is exactly being spent on each department.  The work examples will offer facts on their slots of consumption to calculate the work for each department.

Organizationally, one or more of these processes will be running at any given point of time. The objective of the model is to try and quantify the impacts of these departments on the other departments and the organisation as a whole.

The shortest (least time consuming) example is to match the work consumed to the level of input. In other words, the above data would be consumed by an area (i.e. the food production)  and then processed by another area (i.e. the food services) department which would produce the final outputs of our TimeXtender implementation organisation.

In most cases, there may be multiple regions for an activity. It would be interesting to try and identify the impact of a chef's inputs, that heat from his kitchen work, on the outputs, on the final outputs. This would also be of interest to those who plan or purchase food services materials to determine the amount of waste created by the activities of a certain region for the benefit of the organisation

Business Intelligence will provide a structure that will assist organisations in looking at their internal costs (for all departments and regions) within their processes and identify the work each area actually produces. Business Intelligence can also assist in finding the TimeXtender implementation opportunities to improve efficiencies through finding where actual cost savings can be passed on to the consumers.

Some of us would argue that Customer requesting information is inter restrict. Therefore, you have to transform your information into an electronic format and accept the information in your format in order to avoid plasticity. If there is more than one data source that is used to compare against the other, it will defeat the TimeXtender implementation purpose. Additionally, it is a waste of money (printing costs) to have more than one feeding chain of data input.
